Thursday, February 08, 2018
Tuesday, February 06, 2018
Best Blog Confrences : BlogHer 2018 NYC
Tuesday, February 06, 2018I always have such a wonderful time at the BlogHer conferences! This year BlogHer put on a health conference in New York City and of co...

I always have such a wonderful time at the BlogHer conferences! This year BlogHer put on a health conference in New York City and of course, I couldn't turn down the invite. I was super excited to link up with Yotel for a hotel experience I will NEVER forget. In this post I will share my experiences and tell all about the hotel concept of the future!
Monday, September 18, 2017
Fall Fashion Preview with Bluff City Lights featuring Joseph's
Monday, September 18, 2017I am so super excited for the fall and winter months because the fashion is amazing! This month Bluff City Lights has partnered wit...

I am so super excited for the fall and winter months because the fashion is amazing! This month Bluff City Lights has partnered with high-end classy women's clothing store, Joseph's, Memphis' exclusive shop for all of the runway's hottest brands such as Chloe, Tory Burch, Gucci, Valentino, and more! In this post, I will preview a few of fall's trends. This was also my last photoshoot while I was prego. Turns out, Joseph's had pieces to fit an 8 month, carrying mommy!
Saturday, December 17, 2016
Keeping a Cleaner House When You Are a Woman on the Go!
Saturday, December 17, 2016IMAGE: GOODHOUSKEEPING Life is busy. Between work and family obligations, sometimes there just isn't enough time to scrub every noo...

Life is busy. Between work and family obligations, sometimes there just isn't enough time to scrub every nook and cranny of your house. However, despite the mounting pile of work at your job, or the dozens of activities that you need to drive your children to for school and their extracurricular activities, once in awhile every nook and cranny does need to get scrubbed. In fact, from the toilet to the dishes and everything in between there comes a time in every household where you need to break out the toilet brush and scrub the dishes. Well, don't clean the dishes with the toilet brush, but the point is that dirty household chores need to get accomplished regularly.