Doctor, Doctor

For Click's January 2014 Health issue, I had the pleasure of styling Dr. Hunter Rittenbery of Methodist Hospital as the cover model doct...

For Click's January 2014 Health issue, I had the pleasure of styling Dr. Hunter Rittenbery of Methodist Hospital as the cover model doctor.  Not only is Dr. Rittenbery a very nice looking model, but the doc. is so humble, gentle, and calm for a man who saves lives. What a pleasure!

When Doctor Rittenberry arrived with his white coat I began to assess his body type and personality. Dr. Hunter has a great aura about him and a basic blue dress shirt would mirror his personality for the public, so  decided to toss the basics and outfit him with a purple and blue hued Tailorbyrd dress shirt complete with a solid violet Bruno Pirttelli tie.

The obvious color for medical related shoots tends to be a light or baby blue however fashion photographer Rupert Yen took the basic blue back ground and enriched the color for a shot that is sure to catch the consumer's eye.

I had so much fun on set with Dr. Hunter Rittenberry and professional photographer, Rupert Yen for this Click Magazine shoot. Check it out at your local Kroger today.


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