Mommy and Me
5 Trick or Treating Tips for Moms with Toddlers
Sunday, October 29, 2017
It is that time of year again and Tuesday the neighborhoods will be full of little ghouls with a hand extended for something to satisfy their sweet tooth! If you have older kids, trick or treating is a no brainer. They are seasons treaters and know the deal, but for the little ones, it is a little more of a learning curve, and not a curve just for the little one. Here are 5 tips for mommy's with babies and toddlers! As well as a sneak peek of what Jack, James, and I will be for All Hallows Eve.
5 Trick or Treating Tips for Mom's
with Babies and Toddlers
1. A Lesson in Road Safety
So there is a tip and a lesson in this one. First, make sure your child can see very clearly through his/her mask. Jack's Hulk mask is very bulky and he has already had a few stumbles over monkey grass and sidewalk cracks. We added an extra band on the back to keep it from slipping so that he can safely experience Halloween. Part 2, this is the PERFECT time to teach your toddler a lesson in road saftey! Be very verbal about looking both ways every time you cross the street and even more, to check to make sure cars are not backing out of their driveways before walking across. We will be killing two birds with one stone Tuesday night! Candy for Jack and the safety lessons from mom!
2. ID Your Babe
As a mother with toddlers, you know that they are always on the go. For example, the moment you are at the bounce house with a bunch of mother's and you look up in a scurry to pin point where your child is. Kids everywhere, on the go. Your heart drops for a second and then, "Ahhhh..." you can breath again because your see yours safe and sound in the ball pit. Well a busy neighborhood with trick or treaters everywhere can be a very similar situation. ID for child! Print out a badge and stick it on the inside of your childs costume. Let your little ghoul know that if he or she gets lost, find a group of adults and kids and have them call the number on the badge or sticker. Non-moms judge this but even the most seasoned mom knows, it can happen in an instant!
3. Bring Snack Safe Candy
What child can wait for a proper candy inspection before going to town? Bring candy from home for your toddler to snack on while trick or treating. Refusing to let your little babe dig in will ruin the fun so allow them your approved candy from home until you can get back and inspect their pillow cases!
4. Expect it to Be Overwhelming for Your Child
Wagons are recommended. Visiting every hour will be your toddlers goal but hey, working for candy donations can be hard and tiring. Bring a wagon for the ride home and stock it with drinks, blankets, and hand warmers.
5. Small Warmers
I have a feeling that the baby will care nothing about Halloween but, you need to make sure your infants get ample heat as it can be pretty nippy. Small hand warmers from Wal-mart or Target will do the trick. James will be wearing a baby bear snowsuit and in between his suit and blankets I will stash some hand warmers for extra comfort. Make sure not to put the warmers directly on their skin as it could get too hot.
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