DIY: Glamorous Valentine's Gifts

Easy Valentine's Gifts & Decor Looking for an easy, last minute Valentine's Gift? (Don't worry, we won't tell your man...

Easy Valentine's Gifts & Decor Looking for an easy, last minute Valentine's Gift? (Don't worry, we won't tell your man!) Or simply seeking affordable festive decorations for your home and/or holiday party? Look no further! This post will give you several ideas and hopefully spark your imagination and inspiration to DIY!

This year I decided to spruce up our living room with some homemade decorations, so I hit up The Dollar Tree and I loaded up on vases, candle holders and picture frames that would do the trick without breaking the bank. For only $3 I was able to make these beautiful floating candles.

DIY Floating Candle

Tape around your vase wherever you don't want glitter and then paint Mod Pod around the untaped area. Sprinkle glitter, allow to dry and repeat.

Apply one last layer of Mod Podge to seal in the glitter so it won't fall off, carefully remove the tape.

Fill up the vase with water and place it on top of the mirror. Plop in the tea candle, light it, and voila! Your very own homemade floating candle.

Repeat the same process for other candle holders.

I love personal touches so I always make my own greeting cards. This year my boyfriend is getting a glistening heart frame and accompanying heart card that couldn't be cuter or easier to make!

DIY Valentine's Card

Fold a piece of card stock (thick craft paper) in half to create your card and trace or draw a large heart on the front. I filled mine in with red pencil and then painted Mod Podge over it and sprinkled on red glitter.

Allow to dry completely and repeat. Once dry, paint on another layer of Mod Podge and allow to dry. Finish by painting Mod Podge over the entire front of the card to form a thick, glossy finish. You can even make matching gift wrap to use on your present.

DIY Heart Frame

Paint your frame with Mod Podge, sprinkle glitter, allow to dry and repeat as with the card. Apply one last layer of Mod Podge to seal in the glitter so it won't fall off and move on to the image.

My frame didn't come with glass or plastic to protect my photo, so I used the stock image to trace and cut out my photo in a heart shape. I then Mod Podged the photo onto the stock image to create a thick glossy finish, similar to how we made our Photo Coasters.

There you have it! Very simple, affordable projects to bring some glitz and glam to your Valentine's Day!


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