Models- 4 Tips for Your First Gig

Yay, so you just landed your first big time gig shooting for xyz editorial/magazine! Congratulations! You worry, “Omg, what do I wear, brin...

Yay, so you just landed your first big time gig shooting for xyz editorial/magazine! Congratulations! You worry, “Omg, what do I wear, bring, do, say? How should I act and pose?” Ok, these are all valid questions, and I am going to answer all of them!

Coming from a photography studio that shoots a lot of models, Yen Studios helps small, local businesses show off their clothes and larger corporations who sometimes need models to show off their products there are several tips that we would give first time models.

4 Tips for New Models

1. What do you wear? 
Unless the modeling agency, photographer, or art director states otherwise, it doesn’t matter. Honestly. Wear sweats for all we care. You will be put in clothes to model. 
Do NOT wear make-up (unless asked). No perfume – we don’t want the clothes to smell when we return them to their source. 

Also, this sounds weird, but do not wear tight socks or any other pieces of clothing that will leave marks on your body, like lines from tight pants. Photographers don't want to retouch the lines after they shoot. You should be a blank canvas for hair and make-up and showing off the clothes.

2. What should you bring? 
Bring flip flops or shoes to slide on or off. These are for you to wear when you are modeling designer shoes so that you can slide them on and off when getting to and from the shooting spot. We do not want to scuff up the merchandise. Also, bring a nude strapless bra and nude and black pumps. These items are sometimes needed as fill in pieces when undergarments or shoes provided by the store do not work out.

3. How should you act/pose? 
Just do whatever the photographer instructs you to do. No need to help carry or move things, unless asked. When stopping for lunch, change back into your clothes so you do not get food on the designer clothes. And also, this is important…after the photographer takes the picture, move! Do not just sit there and wait for him to take 10 shots of you doing the same pose! Make small, subtle, yet noticeable movements after each click.

4. What do/don't you say? 
Have a personality. Don’t be shy, but don’t be super loud and opinionated either. And if the photog/make-up artist/hairstylist are happy with what they created, but you don’t like it – DO NOT TELL THEM. You are not being hired to give your opinion; you are being hired because everyone thought YOU were the best fit for the look and style and design they were going for!

Ok, so here was just a short list of what photographers REALLY want from their models. I wish you all the best of luck! And hey, if you are trying to get your name out there, apply to modeling agencies and ask to be critiqued.

YEN STUDIOS shoots for Click Magazine, and were formerly the photographers of 4Memphis Magazine.


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