Fitness Challenge: Banish Skinny Fat

OK. So most of you probably saw my last big fitness challenge back in February where I hit the gym to kill the lingering post baby weight ( ...

OK. So most of you probably saw my last big fitness challenge back in February where I hit the gym to kill the lingering post baby weight (Before and After Baby Body < See the photos here). Since then, I have been eating pretty healthy and have lost a few extra lbs, but have been extremely busy being mom and while I admit that I am slender, my skin tone has become a little "fluffy" not to mention that the wondrous miracle of child birth has my body shape very different from my pre-baby body.

I'm not complaining about my "hippier" shape that I love, but I have challenged myself to tone! I'm giving myself 6 weeks back at Memphis Fitness Kickboxing to see what happens if you do intense kickboxing workouts when the weight is off and your body needs to build muscle.


Now, this is a TONING challenge. Many of my friends have been telling me..."Oh, you don't need to loose weight! Why are you doing this?" It is not about loosing weight. I am the lowest I have ever weighed since my senior year in high school but in the worst shape toning wise. My body type at the moment is one of pure body fat and no muscle. It's not healthy. In the next 6 weeks training with Memphis Fitness Kickboxing, I am hoping to gain weight in muscle and tone up! Especially in the few key areas noted below.

Observing My Body From The Front
My goal is to tone my waist to get some of the fluff off of my hips. While I am pretty slinder through my ribs, there is a good 2 inches of fat sitting on top of my hip bones. Every lady has their "problem area" and this is one of mine. You also cannot tell in this picture but my inner thighs could use some definition. Now, because I am a firm believer in loving your body, I will note a positive. My arms have always been pretty small so I am hoping that the level of definition I hope to achieve will only take 3 weeks!

Observing My Body From The Back
One of the biggest transformations after child birth was my derriere. I used to have a cute it is a bubble that is slowly leaking air.....wait that sounds foul. What I mean is, the skin tone has gotten wimpy. I hope to build muscle in the bum to take care of the sag that is trying to set in. As mentioned in the front, my problem area is right above my hips and you can see how it affects my backview.  I have some excess fat that causes some unwanted creases in the sides.

Now.... I want to stress once again...I am not trying to loose weight. That was my first post back in February. This challenge is to take my fitness to the next level and document the transformation that kickboxing contributes to a workout and healthy eating.

Stay tuned and follow the blog by entering your email to the right. I will be tracking my progress here! Did I mention that I am going head to head with fellow bloggers, Joelle Pittman and Maddie Moree? I will posting on our statuses in the coming weeks.

Check out their challenges here.  Joelle's 90 Days No Booze, No Boys Challenge, Maddie's Challenge

Photos By: Maddie Moree


  1. I know exactly what you mean about Skinny Fat. I am at a perfect weight for me....yet I feel....soft. This is why I am considering Memphis Fitness Kickboxing classes. It sort of scares the sh*t out of me, but I know it would whip me into shape and tone everything up. Thanks for inspiring me :-)

    1. Jennifer, YOU WOULD LOVE AND HATE IT! Hahaha I mean I love the crazy quick results.....I hate sweating and huffing and puffing but in the end it is SO WORTH IT! Thank you so much for reading!


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