Mommy and Me
How I Eased My Foot Pain for an Exciting Expedition with My Son
Tuesday, August 30, 2016
It is totally true that 30 comes with all kinds of changes. Some great and some a bit challenging. One challenging change that I have experienced has been shooting pains in my feet. With my job, I am constantly on my feet and the older I get, the more it shows! My son is approaching 2 and I wanted to pick a few fun activities that we can do together as he grows older. I decided that there is a lot that he can learn through nature and the exploration is therapeutic to me. The only problem, MY FEET. I get sharp pains in my heels after being on my feet for long periods of time and I knew that this could be an obstacle.
After researching tons of different options, I came across Hydrofeet! I chose this product because of the sleek design. I didn't want anything too bulky in my shoes as I knew that would be extremely uncomfortable. I have a hard time wearing socks because of the bulky feel, so adding even more material in my shoes could propose a problem.
The end result? We hiked and explored all day with no breaks for tired feet!
"Hydrofeet® insoles are precisely filled with a vegetable-based, pharmaceutical-grade, FDA-approved glycerin. "Pharmaceutical grade" means allowable in food or cosmetics under FDA standards. This liquid glycerin is enclosed in thermoplastic polyurethane (TPU) that is known for its durability and strength. Unlike rubber, gel, or foam inserts, Hydrofeet® insoles last longer, and were found to have 50 times the viscosity and strength of regular insoles." -
If only they had BABY HYDROFEET! ;-)
Here are a few pictures of our first mommy & son hike! As legit hikers, we purchased hiking sticks before setting off on our journey. Yes...they look like regular old tree branches but upon closer look, they are actually the REAL DEAL HIKER'S STICKS...or maybe I am just a sucker. You can add trail badges to the sticks, so that made it worth it!
Here are a few pictures of our first mommy & son hike! As legit hikers, we purchased hiking sticks before setting off on our journey. Yes...they look like regular old tree branches but upon closer look, they are actually the REAL DEAL HIKER'S STICKS...or maybe I am just a sucker. You can add trail badges to the sticks, so that made it worth it!
My mom went hiking with us and we are both hobby enthusiasts! We spontaneously choose a hobby and feel the need to collect all of the gear immediately for the very first encounter with our new found activity, only to find them stuffed into the back corner of our closets when the next, new exciting hobby presents itself. The sticks were our "must-have"gear items. Thank goodness the Hydrofeet insoles can be used on the regular, as I suspect that I will get much more use out of them versus my stick.
The beauty and serine scenary of Petit Jean mountain is breathtaking! We were hiking at the same level that the hawks take their flight path. When standing on a cliff, a hawk breezed right past my head! Jack really seemed to enjoy his hike too. He loved pointing out random dots on the map asking "What's this?"
Want to give Hydro feet a try before embarking on a heavy walking activity? Snag a pair of your own HERE!
or...check them out on their social sites:
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Looking to plan a beautiful hike in comfort? Grab some Hydrofeet and make your way to Petit Jean Mountain!
Thank you so much for reading and have a wonderful day!