Cooking Made Easy for the Non-Cooker

  Naturally suck at cooking and need some serious lessons? *hand raise* That's me! I love to cook and as a matter of fact, I had no...


Naturally suck at cooking and need some serious lessons? *hand raise* That's me! I love to cook and as a matter of fact, I had no idea how bad the end product was until I noticed that no one ate my creations except me. I really, really wanted to learn to be a better cook but with two kiddos, there is no time for weekly classes.
You Tube lessons you may recommend? Great idea but somehow I would never quite have ALL of the ingredients. Although I love to cook, I HATE to search a grocery store for hours to complete an ingredient list. Just as I was about to give up in the kitchen, I came across a solution early this year while attending a blogging conference.  Home Chef!

Home Chef is a box of recipes and their ingredients delivered right to your door step fresh and ready to prepare.

Upon opening the box, you with find each list of recipe ingredients separately packaged and the meats at the very bottom frozen and on ice.

In your first box, Home Chef will provide you with a binder for storing you recipes and each recipe sheet will come with 3 holes, ready for storage! When filling out your Home Chef profile online, you can choose your meal preferences, likes and dislikes, and portion sizes to meet the needs of your family.

I chose to start my week off with the Mexican street corn flat bread. The recipe took me about 40 minutes total and was slightly challenging but nothing that I could not handle. I was pleasantly surprised at the outcome.

Not only did the food taste good, but the end product presentation was on point as well! Half the battle is getting your recipes to actually look like they do in the book or online and mine definitley fit the bill!

Interested in Home Chef to start your journey to better cooking skills? Click here and get started!


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