Single Life
How to Be Your Own Boss
Friday, June 29, 2018I get constant questions on how I did it? How did I quit my Fortune 100 job climbing the corporate ladder, and give up the easy 9 to 5 for an extremely risky business endeavor? I can tell you one thing, I have had lots of failures and tons of successes with my business in the past 6 years but one thing always remains, I absolutely LOVE my job and being my own boss! Yes it was risky, but not because of the nature of my business. Retail is not a new business model, but the risk lies within the skill set and knowledge level of the entrepreneur. Since I had no experience running a retail shop, the anxiety of failure and insecurity of my competency level always lingered over my shoulder.
6 years later, I have gone through major ups and downs, but through trial and error, and keeping my nose to the grind, I have over come and want to share all of my secrets with other aspiring small business retail owners.
To share my secrets and successes, I decided to start my very own Retail Academy online! My plan is to launch several courses, big and small, one by one. My first course will be focused on the essentials for the beginning stages of a retail business. I will accept 10 students for my "go at your own pace" 7 week course.
The video below was made for the Retail Launch course page and gives a little detail on the course.
The course curriculum is very detailed and contains critical information for setting up, planning, and executing your shop launch successfully without blowing the budget.
Class Curriculum
Creating Your Brand (Week 1)
- Zip Code Research and Evaluation
- Researching Your Chosen Market
- Identifying Your Brand
- Developing a Brand Strategy
- Summarizing Your Brand
Financials and Business Protection (Week 2)
- Setting Up your Bank Accounts
- Loan Types
- Insurance Options
- Securing Your Assets
All of these items in detail are a $10,000 value through a consultant but I am offering my course for only $999. Now, I understand that when you are starting your own business this may seem pretty hefty to start but the information I am going to share with you will definitely save you quadruple this and more in the launch and opening of your shop. I am also going to host several chat forums so that all of your questions get answered. I want to ensure that you are extremely equipped with all of the info you need to succeed!