Staying Fit While on Vacation

This one is a tough one...vacation is supposed to be no restrictions right? Well when it comes to your health it shouldn't be conside...

This one is a tough one...vacation is supposed to be no restrictions right? Well when it comes to your health it shouldn't be considered a restriction but a regular lifestyle. Staying fit while on vacation can seem like a drag with all of the temptations of the unfamiliar restaurants and sweets that seem to linger in a new and exciting unknown place. Here are a few tips that I use when on my vacations...especially my annual travels to the most tempting place on earth, VEGAS!

I guess my perception of vacation has changed quite a bit after hitting my 30's and having a child, but I challenge each of you to look at vacation from a different view point. I make sure to know the "energy renewing sources" that exist within the area I am visiting.  I don't mean to become an extremest but to perceive your vacation to be an opportunity to renew life and energy that is already cultivated inside of you. Here are my 4 energy renewing sources.

4 Energy Renewing Sources to Seek Out While on Vacation:

#1: Nutritious Eating

 Yea Yea Yeah.... sucks right? Well all nutritious eating doesn't have to taste like rabbit food! Think of it as a nessecary need for your body to function properly. If you are feeding your body sweet and fried foods you are not consuming the energy of life, the energy needed to experience life and all that it has to offer to the fullest. Vacation is all about experiences so you want to make sure that you are constantly prepared for the next exhilarating moment. My favorite spot in Vegas for nutritious eating is Presto Cafe. It is a little cafe style place, great for a fresh lunch before shopping or the pool. Healthy eating is not about no fat, low fat, sugar free food. It is more about REAL food. Food that is freshly grown and sourced which is just what Presto Cafe has to offer. Their foods are all made straight from scratch and locally sourced, meaning they harvest the energy of life to much higher extent than a food that has been in transit for weeks cut off from their "life supply."

#2 A Zen Place

Health is not just what you eat or your activity, it is also found in your attitude. Getting healthy sleep and also surrounding yourself with a positive atmosphere is key to promoting an uplifting spirit. For example, when we go to Vegas, we choose Planet Hollywood. Now, I know it isn't the most fanciest, finest of the fine place to stay like the Venetian or the Bellagio, but it satisfies my Zen. It is affordable for my family, right in the middle of the strip, very well kept and beautiful, and the rooms are magnificent. You don't have to be Mrs. Moneybags to feel like a star when at Planet Hollywood. We have been to several of the hotels in Vegas and the PH is where it is at! I am able to renew my energy perfectly in the oversized fluffy beds that have me feeling like I am sleeping on a cloud and achieve a zen state of mind while sipping coffee in my PH robe over looking the Bellagio fountain in the AM. 

#3 The Energy Zone

Where is energy most exerted? Well the gym is an obvious place, but I am not here to convince you to hit the treadmill every morning before experiencing your day. I am here to encourage you to choose a few activities on your trip that are more active. Get in the zone...and not Autozone. I love that Vegas is so close to the Grand Canyon, Bryce Canyon, and Death Valley. The strip can be an all day exploration including lots of walking and calorie burning, but the local national parks in this part of the US are wonderful for observing God's wondrous creation. Instead of hitting the gym every morning, seek out activities that require your to exert more physical energy. Not only will you remain fit, but you will have a lovely memory that will not fade when the burn does. 

#4 Soul Food

And this one has NOTHING to do with food! Find a spa and regenerate your soul. Show your body appreciation for carrying you through the journey of life with a pamper party invite for one...maybe two if your hubby is in to that kind of thing. Schedule a full body rub down, wrap, scrub, or facial while on vaca. This is the perfect time for you to slip away for a little one on one, just you and your "life vehicle." Funny when you think about it that way right? Show the ultimate gratitude to yourself and to the Lord above who made you by doing something nice for you. I love to visit the PH Spa by Mandara. The packages are great and I always leave feeling completely refreshed!

Next time you venture off on your next vaca, try these 4 tricks for staying fit. Also, when choosing your next vacation, be sure to check out Vegas! I love getting all of my Vegas Deals from We plan our whole fun filled, fit vacation before our feel hit the Nevada sand.

Thank you so much for reading!


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